
Due to a Ice storms, I have been struggling with power outages. I hope to post by  January 2009.

All content on this website is property of Chlirissa Perez. Feel free to link back in as many places as you wish. Please ask permission before posting content elsewhere and/or give me credit.

Meeting Lou Sullivan

Lou Sullivan was the first gay-identified (man loving man) FTM to gain access to hormones and surgery. He wrote the first books about FTMs (both reference band biographies) and founded the first FTM community. He later went on to start FTM International and the American Boys Club. In this Clip, Bet Power reflects on meeting Lou when he was living as a gay man in the Castro in the 1980s.

Gentrification in San Francisco

Louis Mitchell lived in San Francisco for 15 years in the 80's and 90's. He was a founding member of LAGADDA (Lesbians and Gays of African Decent for Democratic Action). In this clip, he describes the cycle of gentrification that devastated the communities he was apart of while he lived there.